Say goodbye to being overworked and underpaid as a yoga teacher, and get paid to travel the world

The first time I taught a yoga retreat, I made more in one week than I did teaching the entire month of teaching studio classes.

Think that sounds impossible? Think again. 

I was just like you, barely making ends meet with drop in classes, until I discovered one key strategy that changed everything for my teaching career.

Let me guess, you’ve also experienced the burn out that comes with teaching a bazillion studio classes just to break even on cost of living every week? Ugh. 

What if I told you that breaking the toxic cyle of being underpaid and overworked as a yoga teacher is possible?

This is how I went from broke yoga teacher, to financially free and living the life of my dreams.

One for you:


Let me guess, you might be thinking:

Don’t I need a ton of followers to sell out a retreat?


You don’t need a huge social media presence in order to succeed with retreats.

I sell small, 8 person retreats….and make $10k in a week.

The truth is, you don’t need a million followers to sell out your first retreat. 

You really just need 10 - 20 superfan students who are willing to invest in you and your teaching.

Sounds pretty dang doable, right?

The event planning process, on the other hand…that comes with hard work. 

But don’t worry, once you complete this course, you’ll be able to plan all of your retreats with your eyes closed. 

In other words, you don’t have to go through the retreat planning process alone. 

I’ve got you. 

who are looking to gain financial freedom and break the cycle of burn out with RETREAT LAB.

Let me give you a little insight on why this is the best course on the market when it comes to supporting yoga teachers business growth….


Retreat lab was created for teachers, by a teacher who has taught retreats for 10 years and grown her own retreat business to over 7 figures. 


(Yep, that’s me!)

Say hello to the best resource available for all teachers

Over the last decade of teaching (what feels like) hundreds of retreats all over the world, I can confidently say that retreats are the reason I have financial freedom as a yoga teacher. 

Plus, retreats feed my travel bug too… but that’s really more of an added bonus 🙂 

Just like you, I was stuck in the cycle of burn out that comes with teaching a million and one studio classes. 

And, just like you, I didn’t think I could actually plan, market, and sell out a retreat….

I had never even been on a yoga retreat before!

The truth is, you don’t need to have experience in teaching retreats in order to take the plunge. And you certainly don’t need a huge following (I didn’t when I started!)

Don’t believe me?

Check out what some of my students have to say after learning the Retreat Lab curriculum:

  • After completing my 300 hr YTT throw Glow Yoga with Kayla, I felt more than ready to start leading retreats.. and that’s exactly what I did! Kayla gave me the encouragement and tools to guide me in the right direction. She led workshops throughout our training that helped us generate ideas and then met with each of us one-on-one for personal feedback and guidance. I put down a deposit to lead my first yoga retreat just weeks after our training ended because I truly felt ready to take my yoga career to the next level. I wouldn’t have done it this quickly without her leadership, so I’m grateful to her and her knowledge for giving me that initial push.

    Keri @keriasaro

  • Mentorship and support have been vital elements in my journey to organizing and hosting yoga retreats. These aspects are seamlessly integrated into Kayla's training programs for yoga and movement teachers. Beyond that, Kayla has been instrumental in helping me discover my unique voice and vision as a teacher who also offers experiences off of the mat. Kayla is kind, present and generous, creating spaces for teachers to deep dive into technical and personal development. Appreciate you!

    Eleanor @asanawellness_aw

  • Working with Kayla and experiencing the environment she created showed me what was possible. Once I was a scared, timid yoga teacher who struggled to say exactly what I had intended and couldn’t seem to create the connection I was seeking. Fast forward 15 months and I’m in the process of hosting my first international yoga retreat and couldn’t feel more excited. The reason is because I now have confidence in what I am teaching and how I am delivering it. Kayla’s methods for teaching cueing and sequencing are precise and to the point. I’ve learned how to create space for anyone who walks into my class, advanced or beginner or anywhere in between, to feel safe and comfortable in their own practice. That’s what keeps people coming back. When people are able to be seen and welcomed to be themselves at any level, it creates a connection, a community, a haven. Can’t wait to step into this new level of teaching and so excited to see where all it takes me!

    Erin @erin.conyers

Retreat Lab includes:

  • 4.1. What: Holistic Approach To Event Planning

  • 5.1. Where: The Venue

  • 6.1. Strategic Timing

  • 7.1. How: Excel 101

    7.2. How: Budget & Price

    7.3. How: Business Logistics

    7.4. How: Market Your Retreat

    7.5. How: Launch Your Retreat

    7.6. How: Sell Out Your Retreat

  • 9 classes of asana with one bonus meditation designed to kickstart your partner yoga experience

Expect to walk away from this bite-course course with a clear understanding of how to successfully planmarket and sell your next retreat.

Trust me when I say the investment in this course will pay itself off easily when you sell out your first retreat. 

And, it’ll save you time, money, and resources that would otherwise add up if you tried to go at it alone. 

Sounds like a win, right?

This course is the ticket to achieving financial wellness by reducing the physical, mental, and emotional burnout that comes with over-teaching. 

You no longer have to be an influencer or blogger to get paid to travel the world….you can do it all on your own as a yoga teacher. 

It’s time to become a retreat leader. 

Let’s do this. 



Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.

$297 ($397)

7 in-depth modules

10 hours of continued education

    • 7 in depth modules teaching you how to plan, market, and sell your retreat.

    • 10 hours of continued education hours certificate with Yoga Alliance.

    • Sample itinerary PDF

    • Retreat theme list PDF

    • Sample intake form PDF

    • Sample feedback form PDF

    • Budget and pricing Google Sheet 

    • Homework

    • Partner Yoga Series (9 classes)

BONUS! ($19.99)

9 Lessons

1.5 hours of video content

    • Warm Up

    • Wake Up

    • Human Massage Table

    • Standing

    • Double Down Dog

    • Deep Backbends

    • Deep Hips and Heart

    • Wind Down

    • Communication Meditation

Unlock Your Teaching Methods, Strategies, And Techniques Today!


Meet Your Teacher

Hi There! I'm Kayla Nielsen

I am a yoga teacher, humanitarian, and entrepreneur. I have been practicing yoga asana for 21 years. Over time, my practice of yoga has expanded beyond the physical & into a mental, spiritual, and holistic approach to life.

I’ve accumulated over 1,000 hours of training from a variety of schools, styles, and methodologies around the world.

In the last 7 years, I’ve crafted a unique style by pulling bits and pieces from my continuous study and my own life’s evolution.

I share my teachings across the globe through my retreat business, GLOW Yoga Retreats, and also online through my growing Instagram community.