Dive deeper into Ayurveda for both yourself and to share with your students
If you’ve been introduced to AYURVEDA and you love the idea of it, but still wonder how to implement it in your everyday life …
Maybe you…
Have been left with the knowledge of an Ayurveda workshop but you feel like you don’t know what to do with it ..
Know your doshas but you have no idea how to balance them through the seasons…
Feel unbalanced like if you weren’t the best version of yourself and you know Ayurveda could help you but have no idea where to start..
Sometimes you run out of ideas on what to add into your yoga classes and feel like something is missing..

What if I told you it’s actually possible to practice Ayurveda in your everyday life, diversify your classes, provide your students the right yoga classes for each season while being in balance yourself…
Without having to read 100’s of Ayurveda books
Without years of experience as a yoga teacher
Without having to travel to India
Without the need to do another full in-person yoga teacher training
It Is!! Join me in Ayurveda for Yoga Teachers to dive deeper into Ayurveda, for both yourself & your students. This course is registered with 25 hours of Continuing Education via Yoga Alliance.
What is Included:
Full PDF manual
5 pre-recorded lectures
3 yoga classes, one for each dosha
Worksheets, PDFS, and assignments to check for understanding
PDF certificate registered with Yoga Alliance upon successful completion of assignments
In this self-paced online course, you'll learn...
A full introduction to Ayurveda & the doshas
How to recognize the 3 doshas in yourself
How to recognize the 3 doshas in your students
How to use different pranyamas (breathing exercises), mantras, affirmations, and meditations to balance the doshas.
How to use different asanas and styles of yoga to balance the doshas.
How to use Ayurveda to plan your yoga classes based on the season and the weather
How to use Ayurveda to organize your day
How to understand Ayurveda & the Chakras
... And more!

Meet your Teacher
Lauren Prindiville
Founder of Island Prenatal Yoga School
Hi! I’m Lauren, the creator of Ayurveda For Yoga Teachers. I created this program to teach you about Ayurveda so you can finally understand your body and your unique needs, how to use Ayurveda to keep you balanced throughout the year, PLUS how to share yoga in your yoga practice or yoga teaching. I will share with you the exact way I use Ayurveda in my daily life, in a simple and easy to understand way. I've gathered all my knowledge from studying in India, as well as different Ayurveda schools and workshops, and compiled it all together to share with you! 🌱 Understanding and implementing Ayurveda has changed my life, and it can change yours too!
Total Price
Pay In Full: $349
Payment Plan: 3 payments of $130/mo
Payment Plan: 6 payments of $68/mo