What’s The Point Of Yoga Retreats?

Most people who are looking to deepen their practice tend to gravitate towards YTTs instead of yoga retreats. I get it, in some ways it completely makes sense to choose to invest in a program that will give you a tangible outcome (ie: a certificate of completion). And, OF COURSE this is the move if you’re planning on actually BECOMING a teacher. I mean, you actually NEED to do the course before you can start on that career path, after all. 

Let’s just be straight up about it: retreats and YTTs are pricey. So, if you’re going to spend thousands of dollars, why not get credentials for it, right? This way, it feels more like an investment, rather than just spending. 

The thing is, yoga retreats are investments, too. Sure, you might not receive a certificate after, or obtain extra education hours, which makes the investment a little less clear. But that doesn’t mean it’s not there. 

Yoga retreats are an investment in the most valuable thing of all: YOURSELF.

After leading retreats around the world for 9 years, I can say with certainty that the yoga retreats (especially if you choose the right one for you) can certainly be life changing events. 

Not only will you meet new friends (usually from all over the world), but you’ll also have a chance to unplug from your normal routine and life. That means pressing pause on work, babies, spouses, or any other stressors you have going on at home. Look, that’s not to say that spouses and babies are stressors, or that even all jobs are! What I AM saying is that many mothers, in particular, who join my retreats tend to say that while they miss the HECK out of their kids, this was the breath of fresh air they needed. 

Taking time and space to one self is one of the kindest things we can do for ourselves, and yet, it’s also one of the most challenging when we get swept up in life. It becomes even MORE challenging when there’s people depending on you (kids, co-workers, etc). 

As the age old saying goes, we can’t pour from an empty cup. Meaning, we simply cannot serve the people we love most if we’re running on fumes. 

Fill up! Fill up so much that you’re OVERFLOWING. Because overflow isn’t depleting. It’s simply sharing the abundance of which you already have. 

Now, are yoga retreats the only way to fill up? Of course not! We’ve already established that these experiences tend to come with a pretty hefty price tag. Not only from the retreat tuition, but now also factoring in time off of work, flights, maybe childcare- it starts to add up. 

While going on a yoga retreat can be JUST the thing you need to connect back to yourself AND others, it’s certainly not the only option. 

On the last practice of every retreat I’ve ever led, I like to remind everyone there that the bliss they’re experiencing in that moment- the ease, the peace, the calm, the OVERFLOW of love and joy- all of that is accessible to them regardless of if they’re in a fancy Yoga Shala in paradise, or not.  This feeling lives inside us, always. These experiences simply show us what’s already there, and HOPEFULLY help to make the pathway a little clearer next time you need to access these same feelings. 

Yoga retreats are the investment of a lifetime. They help bring you closer to YOU. 

And, I don’t know about you, but I sure can’t think of anything more valuable than that. 


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